Once your company is registered and compliant your company administrator will then need to create work profiles for any workers (and sub-contracting workers) who will be accessing Yara Pilbara site(s) to perform work on behalf of your company.
Your company administrator will then need to select the relevant role(s) they will perform for Yara and then upload any qualifications, competencies or licences Yara have identified as minimum requirements for people performing the roles on our site(s). The information supplied will be required to meet a minimum standard and will be verified by Avetta specialists.
Your company administrator will also enrol the worker(s) in any required online training.
Click here to view a short video on accessing Workforce Management.
Click here to view a short video on permissions and accessing the Yara Pilbara Supplier Portal.
Step 1 > Login and add workers
1. Log into Avetta Connect, select Workers and click the Pegasus Workforce button.
2. Click Add or Remove Portals button and select the Yara Pilbara tile.
3. Select Manage Roles and then Add New Employee. From here you can enter and save their personal contact details, address, phone and email.
If your company already uses Avetta Workforce Management you may have existing employee profiles to select from.
If you receive an error when creating an employee. The worker may already have an existing Avetta profile and need to be linked to your company by Avetta. To do so either:
- Advise the worker to contact Avetta Support [1300 175 307] to request to connect the profile to a new or additional company or
- Email yarapilbara@pegasus.net.au and request the worker be shared to your list. Please remember to cc the worker into this email.
Step 2 > Pay for worker registration and inductions
Once you have selected or created your workers profile you will need to pay for your workers subscription to Yara Pilbara's portal.
Year 1 costs $85.00 + GST per worker for the management of roles, verification of documents, and online training and inductions.
Annual renewal costs $50.00 + GST per worker.
Payment method is by credit card or PayPal only.
A tax invoice will be supplied on payment.
Step 3 > Select Worker Site and Roles, upload documents and book training
Now that your worker is subscribed you will need to manage the workers roles.
1. Select Manage Roles then find and select your workers profile.
2. Select Continue on your workers name.
3. Select Add Site to choose which site your worker is attending; please use only the Yara Pilbara Nitrates and/or the Yara Pilbara Fertilisers sites. Multiple sites can be applied as needed.
4. Select All Roles and then select the add new role button to choose the primary working role that the worker will be performing (e.g. Scaffolder Advanced, Concreter, Surveyor etc).
Your selections will determine the competency documents (licences, cards and qualifications) you’ll upload in the system to prove your worker is adequately trained and qualified to perform the selected role(s). Roles and associated competencies are as per Yara’s Business Partner Training Matrix. Your selection will also enable you to enrol your worker in required site inductions and critical permit to work & safety related training.
5. Then Select each role on the workers account and fill in the mandatory competency fields. This may require you to answer questions, upload documents or enrol your worker in online training.
Only after all competency fields are filled may the role application be submitted.
6. Your worker(s) will then be emailed links to set their credentials and to access online training after the role application is submitted.
The documents you’ve uploaded to demonstrate worker competencies will be validated by Avetta professionals and must meet Yara's acceptance criteria. Additional information on acceptance criteria can be found in the Business Rules when uploading any competencies to the Yara Pilbara Workforce Management portal. You will be emailed if there are any issues and given a chance to update the information and/or reload qualifications.
If your worker does not hold a competency as listed in the training matrix then they may be eligible for an exemption. Please use the Training Competency and Exemption Form to request this exemption (available from the FAQ, Help & Resources tab). This form must be approved by Yara first then the approved form is uploaded against the training requirement.
All online training must be completed and all documents uploads must be verified prior to mobilising to site.
Completion of Yara’s Site Access request form is also still required.
The worker will be required to complete the Site Access Request Form and this needs to be forwarded to the Yara Pilbara responsible person for approval. This must occur at least a minimum of 24 hours prior to attending site. More details on this requirement are available on the Help and Resources page.
It’s important that you keep worker’s details up to date, and you’ll be emailed about expiring documents and information to assist you to maintain your workers compliance.
Selecting the right roles for your worker
Working roles are available to be selected in the portal are provided in the Yara's Business Partner Training Matrix.
When managing a workers profile you must have:
- At least one Base Role. This is automatically added when you select the site. Do not remove; and
- At least one Primary Working Role (Trade or Task based). This Primary working role is important! No primary working role = no permit training. No permit to work = not able to work on site.
You may add multiple roles including any 'Additional roles' as needed. When selecting primary working roles select the role which represents the trade or tasks the worker will be performing on site.
If you are unsure of what primary working role to select please liaise with your Yara responsible Person who can help you select the right role.
Additional Roles
You may also select 'Additional Roles' as needed however these roles may only be selected in conjunction with at least one primary role.
To select additional roles:
- Will the worker be driving a forklift? Select forklift driver role
- Will the worker be driving a telehandler? Select Telehandler driver role
- Will the worker be operating an EWP? Select EWP role
- Will the worker be working at the PPA BLB? Select the Pilbara Port Access Role
- Will the worker be working in the Pipeline corridor? Select Ammonia Pipeline Corridor Access role.
- Job Owner and Permit Holder roles will be added by Yara.
For Example:
- You are mobilising a Boiler Maker/Welder to YPF site - you must have the Base Role Contractor Working at Fertilisers Site & the Boiler Maker/Welder role
- You are mobilising a Boiler Maker/Welder to YPF site who will also be required to drive a forklift - you must have the Base Role Contractor Working at Fertilisers Site & the Boiler Maker/Welder role & also the additional Forklift role.
Step 4 > Workers to Complete Training
Your worker(s) will then be emailed links to set their credentials and to access online training after the role application is submitted.
New workers will receive an email with a link to activate their Pegasus Workforce Account. They must activate the account by setting their credentials before they can access their training courses.
If an account already exists (i.e. worker is not new to Avetta) then they will not be sent this email link.
Workers will receive a enrolment email with unique links to any of Yara’s online training required by the role(s) selected. Use the email links to launch the training course(s) and log in with their credentials.
Upon successful completion of the training courses the competencies will be reflected in their profiles.
Training can be completed on a desktop computer or mobile device via the Workforce Mobile App.
All online training must be completed prior to mobilising to site.
Workforce by Avetta Mobile App
Upon subscribing a worker they will be invited to join the Workforce by Avetta mobile app. This app is not mandatory but can assist the worker to view their roles and compliance status, complete required online training and maintain their qualifications.
Note: Yara does not use all functionalities of the mobile app such as ‘Tap On or Off’
For more information on the Workforce by Avetta mobile app, click here.