What is RailWallet?

The rail industry demands a sustainable solution to manage the safety and compliance of its workers. Reducing risk in a high-risk industry is the foundation of the RailWallet system.

RailWallet is an innovative industry competency management solution designed to meet the challenges of a complex, diverse and mobile workforce.

RailWallet complies with the Rail Safety National Law and can be used for rail safety work, non-rail safety work and hybrid construction projects.

For Transport and Network Operators

Industry operators can define and manage compliance through worker specific roles, competencies, training and inductions, reporting and analytics.

Common competency, training and business rules allow for portability of workers across networks, projects or organisations without the need to duplicate data processing and costs.

Operational risks can be managed through site safety and access control that ensure your workforce is fit for duty and meet regulatory requirements.

With analytic insight comes the power to make informed and agile business decisions. Scaling the workforce up or down, skilling new projects, setting standards, defining participation metrics or checking on qualifications has never been easier.'

For Contractors

Save time and money by using RailWallet to manage compliance of your workers across the networks and projects you work on. RailWallet aims to provide better value to industry and save contractors time and money. Avoid having to upload the same document for every project you work on. Be proactively reminded of upcoming expiry of critical health, competency and training documents. Access key reports on your worker compliance and ensure your workers can access site efficiently and without delays. Be a preferred supplier by demonstrating your compliance and workforce capabilities.

For Workers

For the first time, workers will have access to their rail card, qualifications and training directly from their mobile devices acting as a portable skills passport that you can take with you across the rail industry.

Workers can manage companies they are connected to and check their compliance to work on a site/project before they arrive.

This avoids delays and saves time. Our secure mobile app provides your information at your fingertips and travels with you when you change jobs or companies. Keep up to date with reminders and improve your employment opportunities by being part of a trusted network.

Key Features of RailWallet

      • Industry Solution: Workers and industry competencies can be linked to multiple companies in the industry, with industry operator collaboration on business rules and system requirements.
      • Save Time & Money: Reduce the duplication of effort in providing the same compliance documentation multiple times between different organisations or projects in a safe and secure system.
      • Digital Worker Cards: Expired competencies, lost access cards, and missed training requirements disrupt productivity. With a digital card workers can easily and quickly see their current subscription status and compliance directly from the mobile app. Upload expired or missing documents, complete online training instantly. Reminders are flagged electronically for proactive monitoring.
      • Identity Management: Instant online ID checks for Australian Nationals. 100 Point checks for international workers.
      • Induction & Learning Management: Industry operators can plan and set training and track and report on the results linked to a worker’s profile and digital card.
      • Compliance Verification & Reporting: Collection and verification of worker qualifications, licenses and competency documentation, as well as ongoing management and reporting on compliance.
      • Site Safety: Integrated site access management, drug and alcohol selections, emergency evacuation and fatigue management.
      • System Integrations: API’s for integration with upstream or downstream applications and service providers.
      • Better Value to Industry: Delivering a more cost effective and more comprehensive solution to industry.
      • Private & Secure: ISO 27001 and SSAE Type II Certified to comply with personal data privacy regulations in Australia.
      • Multi-Language Support: Web and mobile app support for 26 different languages.
      • Local development and support: Avetta offers in-house support and services from local teams including implementation, configuration and verification specialists, professional services – training and LMS – and enablement support teams.
Avetta manage the RailWallet system.

Learn more about Avetta.