We suggest you read through the steps before you get started, and allow yourself time to source and upload the information needed to register. A nominated administrator from your business will be required to complete the steps below. User guides with screenshots can be found on the Help and Resources page.
Step 1 >Register your business
To get started, you will need to register your business. If you have previously registered with Avetta Workforce Management and have a login, please press the Login button in the menu. For new companies you will need to provide the below information:
Company Business Number
Registered Company Name
Company Phone
Physical Address
Click the register now button above to go to the system.
Start by selecting the country your business operates in, and then search for your business number.
Enter contact details, including email and business address and phone number
Select Request Registration to have the business registration verified and be emailed login details
If your company has previously been registered, a Request Access button will show. Selecting the relevant organisation will send a notification to the primary user account linked to that company to approve your access. Please contact us if you need assistance or have not had a response from the primary user.
The next steps are to add your workers and to the RailWallet system!
Step 2>Add your workers
Login and select Manage Roles to view a list of existing employees.
Search and select an existing worker’s name or press Add New Employee.
To register a new worker, you will need to provide the below:
Portrait Photo of the Employee (See Business Rules as to what is accepted)
Full Name
Date of Birth
Phone Number
Email Address (Unique to the employee)
Next of Kin
Step 3>Identity Check
Online ID check
Australian residents are able to complete the online ID verification process, supplying forms of identification for verification against independent and reliable data sources.
For this step you will need identification from two sources such as Driver’s License, Medicare Card, Australian Passport, Australian Visa, Australian Citizenship Certificate, Birth Certificate, ImmiCard, Change of Name Certificate or Marriage Certificate.
Manual ID check
For international workers, or individuals unable to complete the online ID check process. Please complete the100 Point ID check application form
Step 4>Pay for worker registration
Pay for your worker’s registration in the RailWallet system. Worker Registration costs between $35 and $110 + GST annually depending on the number of active subscriptions your organisation holds for the management of roles, verification or documents and access to the Workforce by Avetta mobile application. Please see Pricing and fees for more details.
Note: Your worker may be pending if there if there is a manual approval required. You will receive an email once verified and approved.
Step 5> Select sites and roles
Select Continue on your worker’s name > Select Add Site to choose what site your worker is attending > Select All Roles and then Add New Role to choose the roles related to the work they will be completing on site. Workers can have multiple roles depending on the network requirements.
Step 6> Upload documents and book inductions
Your Role selection will determine what competency documents (e.g. Medicals, Licenses, Statement of Attainments and Certificates) you will need to upload into the system to prove your worker’s qualifications to perform the chosen role/s.
By clicking into the first role and then into each competency you can Select or Upload Document to upload a new document to the document library.
Select the relevant pages from the document library before clicking select document
Enter the mandatory fields (e.g. Group type, expiry) >Save and Submit
Once all mandatory uploads have been provided for a role, click the “back to roles” to select another role.
If you have selected multiple roles, click on the remaining roles and complete any mandatory uploads or selections.
If any of your roles have online training components, check the Enrol in required courses for competency box > Click Save and Next.
Once all mandatory items and training selections for ALL Roles have been processed the “Save & Course Selector” button is shown at the end of the last document upload.
Press Submit
You will receive a prompt Is this Role Application Compete?
Press Continue to finalise the application and enrol into your e-learning selections.
Note: Induction email links will only be sent once your role application is complete.
If you cannot see the role application prompt, then please check that all mandatory requirements for ALL roles selected have been completed. You can remove any old or incomplete role applications by selecting the role and clicking the trash can.
Avetta validates documents and applies roles
Avetta (formerly known as Pegasus) will validate the documents you’ve uploaded during registration. You’ll be emailed if any information needs correcting or updating. Upon document approval and induction completion, the roles will be compliant for your workers in the system.
On completion of all mandatory documents and training you will receive a role approval email confirming your compliance.
More information
Additional information on accepted documentation can be found in theBusiness Ruleswhen uploading any competencies to the RailWallet industry portal.